If you always thought deers are cute:
It shouldn't be so surprising, but Bambi suddenly doesn't seem so cute anymore.
"Cyclamate was discovered in 1937 ... Sveda was working in the lab ... He put his cigarette down on the lab bench, and, when he put it back in his mouth, he discovered the sweet taste of cyclamate." "The sweet taste of saccharin was discovered when Fahlberg noticed a sweet taste on his hand one evening, and connected this with the compound which he had been working on that day."Of course, nowadays it would be unthinkable for a chemist to lick his fingers, but I once heard of a student few years ago that tasted a level teaspoon of the chemical he should analyse.
"He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become contaminated with aspartame, to lift up a piece of paper."
TL;DR: All modern artificial sweeteners were discovered through dangerously careless chemists licking their fingers.